As a caregiver myself, I have also contributed to Autism Parenting Magazine over the years.
I am a family caregiver. Below are blog posts I wrote about things on my heart, past experiences as a caregiver to my son, and resources or wisdom I have gleaned from seasons of my journey. These are limited to MY experiences and MY perspective. There are so many of us out there filling this role, living this life! You have your OWN experiences and perspectives and I would love to share them as future blog posts with other caregiving sojourners. If you would allow me the privilege to peek inside your heart and then share what I find there, please use this link to get started. You can even remain anonymous. And thank you! What you have to share could change someone’s life!

Another Trip Around the Mountain
Another trip around the same mountain and hoping for a new perspective.

Hard Season
An honest and transparent look into the hard season we are currently experiencing as caregivers.

What I Would Have Done
A beautiful excerpt from Kimberly Henderson at Proverbs 31…what I would like to say to every one of our family caregivers.

Comfort in the Midst of Heartache
It has been a season of heartbreak for me the last six months or so. God is teaching me that He can use serving as a comfort in the midst of it all.

The Man In Between
David didn’t fight Goliath with a sling and a stone. He fought it with his faith and with the help of a Man in between…a Champion. He stands in the gap for us all - no matter the Goliaths we face.

The Importance of Self-Care
Caregivers are so busy caring for their loved ones, they seldom stop to think about their own self-care. Caregiver self-care is vital! The degree to which we care for ourselves (or do not care for ourselves) directly correlates to the degree of care we can give to our loved ones.

When the Rock Doesn’t Appear to Be Moving
What do you do when you feel like all of your efforts as a caregiver are not making any difference in the life of your loved one?

10,000 Reasons
The importance of journaling your gratefulness…

Caregiving for Loved Ones with Mental Illness
Caregivers come in all shapes and sizes, varying ages, can be men and women…and those they care for and their reasons for needing care vary just as greatly.
Celebrating the “Wins”
As caregivers, we need to celebrate every win we can.

Ubuntu - I AM because WE ARE. A person is a person through other people. We create each other. We belong to each other.

Beautiful Struggles
Lessons from a butterfly…

When the People You Care for Don’t Seem to Care
Not all caregiving is appreciated and neither are all caregivers.

Caregivers and Christmas
It’s not all merry for caregivers.

Even in the Wilderness
God sees. God hears. God cares. And He will always provide for us in the wilderness - somehow, some way - often unexpectedly and miraculously.

Mission (Im)Possible?
Well-Seen’s Origin Story