“Right Here”

(Dramatic Short Film)

  • Film Synopsis

    Right Here follows a son's journey through regret after missing his father's passing. When Dylan suddenly gets another chance to spend a day with his dad, they explore what their relationship means to each other and realize one moment could never break what they'd built over a lifetime.

    This story highlights a father-son relationship that bends amidst life's most taxing moments but will not break. Their journey together highlights the enduring power of holding on to treasured memories to ground yourself through the most challenging times.

    The relationships we make in this life and the memories we build are what make life worth living.

Make it stand out.

Target Goal | $13,000.

Give Support or Become an Executive Producer

All donations are considered charitable tax deductions through our partnership with Well Seen Inc. All donor benefits are cumulative and include the previous tier benefits.

Writer’s Statement

Watching Alzheimer’s slowly steal my grandfather from us was devastating, but even more painful was witnessing my father’s sorrow as cherished memories faded away. The regret of not being there in those final moments is something he carries daily. “Right Here” is deeply personal; it’s a reflection of my father’s relationship with his dad and how that affects my bond with my father - my mentor, role model, and closest friend.

Through this film, I want to capture the raw emotion of that experience, reminding us that while we may not control how our stories end, the true essence of life lies in the connections we nurture and the quality memories we create, anchoring us even as the present slips away.

- A. Scheetz

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