For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Matthew 6:21
We believe that the way an organization handles its finances is a reflection of its integrity and reliability. Everything we are and everything we have comes to us by the grace of God. Provided we remain faithful, we are confident that the Lord will sustain us while His purposes for this ministry endure. Here are the principles and policies that are guiding us:
This ministry belongs to God. We are simply His managers and stewards. Our role is to stay accountable to His objectives, interests and concerns.
The Lord gives and the Lord takes away (Job 1:21). As long as He supplies the means, we will continue to serve others in His name. If He closes the door and cuts off our support, we will accept this as His sovereign will. We understand that the future of His work in the world does not depend upon the survival of Well-Seen.
We will not hesitate to provide our donors with relevant information, both in the good times and in the bad.
We will steward our financial resources as carefully and conservatively as possible.
A Christian’s first financial obligation is to the church; we have no desire to come between our friends and the local congregations to which they belong and from which they derive their spiritual sustenance. As a result, we do not expect them to contribute to our ministry until after they have supported the work of God’s kingdom in their own faith communities.
We will receipt all donations in order to help contributors determine the tax-deductible portion of their gifts.