$18,630.28 delivered to family caregivers as of 2/28/25.
260 Bay Area caregiving family members SEEN, HEARD, & LOVED since 2022!
Well-Seen, Inc. provides meals, resources, & encouragement to full-time family caregivers; to let them know they are seen, heard, and loved.
Our Inspiration
In the first book of the Bible, a distressed Egyptian servant named Hagar was hiding and journeying in the wilderness after encountering some difficult times. It was in that wilderness that she learned an invaluable lesson - that God sees and hears her.
Our Story
As the mom to a young man with special needs, I did my fair share of “journeying in the wilderness.” Through navigating puberty, managing medications, helping with his self-care, and shuttling him to and from numerous therapies and doctor appointments every week, distress was as real an emotion for me as fear and joy. Caregiving is a rewarding, but tiresome and often thankless job.
John, Jerry and I after his performance in Mary Poppins with The Penguin Project.
Jerry excited for Prom 2022!