$18,630.28 delivered to family caregivers as of 2/28/25.

260 Bay Area caregiving family members SEEN, HEARD, & LOVED since 2022!

Well-Seen, Inc. provides meals, resources, & encouragement to full-time family caregivers; to let them know they are seen, heard, and loved.

Our Inspiration

In the first book of the Bible, a distressed Egyptian servant named Hagar was hiding and journeying in the wilderness after encountering some difficult times. It was in that wilderness that she learned an invaluable lesson - that God sees and hears her.

Our Story

As the mom to a young man with special needs, I did my fair share of “journeying in the wilderness.” Through navigating puberty, managing medications, helping with his self-care, and shuttling him to and from numerous therapies and doctor appointments every week, distress was as real an emotion for me as fear and joy. Caregiving is a rewarding, but tiresome and often thankless job.

John, Jerry and I after his performance in Mary Poppins with The Penguin Project.

Jerry excited for Prom 2022!

That being said, we had an amazing community that supported us with babysitting, prayer, encouragement, and friendship. One of the most practical and helpful things we were provided was meals. After some of our longest days, the gesture fed our souls while the actual food fed our bellies. That’s where the idea for Well-Seen was born.

In Genesis 16, after being mistreated and rejected, Hagar learned that God knew her situation, was in control, and saw her. She was the first person in the Bible to give God a name, El Roi, “the God who sees.” Later, in the wilderness with her son Ishmael, whose name meant “God listens,” God opened her eyes to a well He provided when their water had run out and Hagar had given in to hopelessness.

Our Mission

Through Well-Seen, our mission is simple – to provide meals, resources, and encouragement to full-time family caregivers in the hope that they too will learn they have a God who sees them, hears them, and desires to meet their greatest needs. We want to share Jesus with those journeying in their own wilderness...one meal at a time.